CareerSource Florida Senior Director Dehryl McCall and Director Carmen Hilbert will lead a panel featuring experts from Lockheed Martin, CareerSource Citrus Levy Marion, College of Central Florida and Training Funding Partners showcasing the Lockheed Martin Apprenticeship Expansion Partnership, resulting in a total talent solution. Lockheed Martin and CareerSource Florida have partnered to implement an expansion project creating registered apprenticeship programs to help meet the company’s hiring needs of more than 3,000 new employees over five years. Since the launch of the partnership in 2019, Lockheed has created an LM Apprenticeship Navigator program resulting in more than 430 apprentices, 357 of which are connected to the Ocala program. In partnership with the College of Central Florida, CareerSource Florida, Lockheed Martin, CareerSource Citrus/Levy/Marion and other partners, a state-of-the-art innovative apprenticeship lab was built at the college’s Ocala campus to create the talent pipeline needed by the Ocala site. Through a staged process, Lockheed Martin will soon expand the pilot into other key company locations, connecting with up to six additional local workforce development boards, their educational partners and other key stakeholders. Come learn how the CareerSource Florida network and its partners provided support in building those apprenticeship programs, recruiting potential talent, and identifying grant opportunities to defray training costs, all resulting in a total talent solution for Lockheed Martin.